Friday, June 29, 2018

7 Hot New Workout Jams for July

We’re coming up on another hot month. via GIPHY So, here are some new hot tracks to help you to keep burning up those workouts! (And — pssst! — if you need workouts to do, we’ve got a slew of free ones here.) via GIPHY Sangria Wine, Pharrell Williams & Camila Cabello Move it side to side … Live Another Day, Matrix & Futurebound featuring Alex Hepburn More like work out another day. Humility, Gorillaz featuring George Benson Slower but such a good warm-up or cool down track. (So excited to have new Gorillaz!) Karaoke, Big Freedia featuring Lizzo It’s YOUR…

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Thursday, June 28, 2018

How to Build a Campfire

For outdoor wilderness enthusiasts, balmy summer weather is a reason to celebrate. My friends and I love soaking up the summer sun out on the lake or river. We try to take full advantage of gorgeous summer days by playing outside as much as possible — and what better a way to appreciate nature than taking a camping trip or enjoying a bonfire. One thing I have found surprising is that many of my most capable, bad-ass, granola friends don’t know how to build a proper campfire. I’m not sure why, but it’s a basic wilderness skill that virtually anyone…

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Source: FitbottomGirls

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Healthy Obsession: Watermelon Everything

Summer came on fast and furiously here in the Washington, DC area — as it always does. And right on schedule, I found myself standing in the produce aisle on my weekly trip to the grocery store drooling over the watermelon stand. Nothing says summer like watermelon. But here’s the funny part … when I was younger, I was so not into watermelon. It wasn’t until an early-September (and very hot and insanely humid) half marathon in 2013 when I was handed a piece of watermelon at the finish and thought to myself “my goodness, where has this deliciousness been…

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Source: FitbottomGirls

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Podcast Ep 88: Feminist, Photographer & Entrepreneur Kyle Hepp

A self-described “serial entrepreneur who’s never had a real job,” Kyle Hepp is an internationally recognized wedding photographer, a CrossFitter who has placed top 10 in Chile’s female CrossFit rankings for several years, author of the book “The Maternal Instinct Myth,” and is in the process of seeking funding for a new gym software company with her boyfriend and “baby daddy.” The busy mom to 1 ½-year-old Ayla has all kinds of tips and tricks to help live a full life that’s a little more off the beaten path. Kyle lives the life of an expat in Santiago, Chile, and at…

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How Much to Pay Your Sitter

The first time we hired a sitter for our daughter, I was clueless. What was the going rate? Should I order her dinner? Do we tip? via GIPHY After quite a few texts back and forth with my mom tribe, I settled on a rate that felt fair — and decided to order pizza for her and round up the total amount. And it’s worked well ever since. Although, sometimes I do wonder if it’s the best thing … or if I’m over- or under-paying for my area. via GIPHY Which is exactly why this infographic from UrbanSitter is so…

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Source: FitbottomGirls

Monday, June 25, 2018

Our Feet Rise and Fall Together With Brooks Running

The 2018 Special Olympics USA Games are right around the corner — and I’m so psyched to say that I’ll be there for the start of the games, along with my fellow Brooks Running blog ambassadors, because Brooks is bringing us all out to Seattle to be part of the cheer line. And that’s exciting to me on several levels. For one thing, I get an incredible amount of joy out of cheering people on. If you’ve never grabbed a spot at a race and screamed your lungs out for total strangers, you’re truly missing out. But also, I’m enormously…

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Source: FitbottomGirls

Thursday, June 21, 2018

America’s Most 5K-Friendly Cities

It’s always fun to see how your city or state ranks with the rest of the country. Is it healthy? Does it cook? Is it happy? If you’ve ever wondered how your city stacks up in the running-5Ks department (now that’s a department we’d like to work in), we have the infographic for you! Created by Custom Ink, this infographic breaks down which cities have the best attributes for 5K races, based on: safety, typical weather conditions, landscape, race frequency, and even brewery access (since many running events are now followed by beer). Check. It. Out. (We can hear the Chicagoans…

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Source: FitbottomGirls

What You Need to Know About the Summer Solstice

Summer is my favorite time of year. It means freedom: road trips, adventures, late nights, and overall, a good time. The stars are kind enough to mark each year with a summer solstice. You may be wondering: What is a solstice and why should I care? Well, we have some answers. What is a Solstice? According to the Farmer’s Almanac, a solstice occurs when a planet’s rotational axis is in either the southern or northern hemisphere. In the northern hemisphere, our summer solstice is usually on the longest day out of the year, which means more daylight — yay! On…

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Source: FitbottomGirls

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Touring the Breweries of Virginia’s Blue Ridge

Folks have been plotting vacations around wine since, well, pretty much forever — something to which Jenn can clearly attest — but I know more and more people who are doing the same thing when it comes to craft beer. I spent a day in Portland, Ore. (after this race … and subsequent wine tastings) checking out the beer scene (and falling in love with Cascade Brewing, which is a must-visit if you’re a fan of sour beers, because they are the pioneers of that movement), and I have a few friends who’ve visited places like Asheville, Grand Rapids, and…

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Source: FitbottomGirls

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Podcast Ep 87: Siri Daly

Siri Daly is not only the creator of the Siriously Delicious food blog, author of Seriously Delicious: 100 Nutritious (and Not So Nutritious) Simple Recipes for the Real Home Cook, and the spouse of Today and The Voice co-host Carson Daly, but she is also the mom to three active kids. This woman knows what it means to be busy! In this fun, breezy discussion, we chat with Siri about how the self-taught “passionate home cook” manages so many meals and schedules in her day while remaining (relatively) sane.   Siri spent years working in television production before embracing life as…

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Source: FitbottomGirls

My Everchanging Grief

As I live with my grief day to day, month to month, year to year, I realize more and more what “they” say is true. Grief is not a destination. It is a journey that changes daily, and just when you think you have it figured out, it changes on you. It’s been a little less than four years since my husband and I said our goodbyes to our daughter Ilana. That first year, there were more tears than I have cried in my entire life. There was more heartache than one should endure in a lifetime. There was sadness,…

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Source: FitbottomGirls

Monday, June 18, 2018

Beauty for Those Who Sweat

Guys, here’s some fun news: being healthy and active is so popular now that companies and entrepreneurs are creating beauty products just for those of us who sweat! via GIPHY And while we all know that we’re beautiful exactly as we are, there’s no doubt that sweat makes you, er, sweaty. via GIPHY So, for all of your fit and sweaty situations, we’ve compiled a great list of some of the companies and entrepreneurs who are making sweat even more beautiful (and have sent us goodies to test out). via GIPHY Now, go get ’em, gorgeous! Bath & Body DirtyBird…

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Source: FitbottomGirls

Friday, June 15, 2018

Hot Yoga: Tips and Tools We Sweat and Swear By

When I tell my friends about how much I love the hot yoga classes I’ve been attending, I get some version of the same response every time: “That sounds awful. We live in Florida. It’s already hot! I sweat way too much for that!” Oh, you think you sweat too much? Have you met me? via GIPHY YOU GUYS. I sweat a lot. I sweat right through my ponytail in a hip hop dance class. I sweat profusely in regular, non-hot yoga. Hell, I’m sweating a bit right now, typing in my office. (My friends are not wrong — it is hot here.)…

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Source: FitbottomGirls

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Yoga to Boost Your Strength and Courage

We all have those days when we don’t feel quite like ourselves — like something’s a little off and we’re  not feeling our usual level of awesomeness. I’ve been there, too — so many times. Sometimes I know why (not enough sleep, being overworked, too much … AHEM … celebrating). But the most frustrating times are those moments when I really can’t put my finger on why I feel out of sorts, almost as if there’s just some weird energy lurking around that I just can’t seem to shake. Enter yoga. It really is such a fabulous tool for tuning into…

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Source: FitbottomGirls

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Unique Ways to Get Your Collagen

Collagen, collagen, collagen. via GIPHY Every where I go and every time I scroll, it seems like people just can’t get enough collagen. via GIPHY I get it. With purported benefits such as improving everything from gut health to to cardio health to joint health, it is the current hotness in the nutrition world. via GIPHY And, on the off chance you’re into collagen these days, too, but are getting a bit tired of the ol’ bone broth … via GIPHY Let me introduce you to two other ways to get your collagen in. And, guys, they are SUPER tasty! Vital…

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Source: FitbottomGirls

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Podcast Ep 86: Ultrarunners Scott and Jenny Jurek

If you are in the market for some mountain-sized, kick-ass motivation, this is the ep for you! We were lucky enough to chat with Scott and Jenny Jurek about their epic running adventures under occasionally hellacious circumstances. Scott is one of the greatest long distance runners of all time with a whole slew of victories under his belt, including winning the Western States 100-Mile Run seven consecutive times. (Like whoa!) In 2015, Scott decided it was time to bow out of his competitive running career by taking on one more epic journey — running the entire length of the Appalachian Trail. But…

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Source: FitbottomGirls

Why You Should Send Your Kid to Summer Camp

I was lucky enough to go to a fantastic summer camp as a kid. My mom, being the savvy lady that she is, negotiated a deal with an all-girls outdoor wilderness camp near Bemidji, Minn., Camp Birchwood. My mom would work as the camp nurse and her four daughters would attend camp for free. I spent my adolescent summers kayaking, hiking, and learning how to backpack in the great Northern Minnesota wilderness. Needless to say, this was exactly what I needed as a teenager. My summers at Camp Birchwood helped me gain confidence, learn how to stay organized, and be…

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Source: FitbottomGirls

Monday, June 11, 2018

New Athleisure Looks You’ll Love (Because We Sure Do!)

Hey, girl. You are looking good. Exactly as you are. via GIPHY But, if you’re looking for a new athleisure look — you know, just for funsies, we have some suggestions. Because we’ve been wearing the below A LOT and are really loving them — and think you will, too! via GIPHY (And, disclosure, some of these are affiliate links so if you do get your online shopping on, you’re helping to support the site — thank you.) American Fitness Couture Get Twisted Tank Top ($43) American Fitness Couture got a Fittie this year, and this tank (which they sent…

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Source: FitbottomGirls

Make This Summer Your Healthiest Yet With the 10 in 4 Challenge

It’s getting hot in herre … so be your healthiest yet. via GIPHY Wait. That’s not how it goes? via GIPHY But that’s how we think it should go because we’re about to launch our summer edition of the 10 in 4 Challenge and, ladies, it’s going to be just like the summer sun … hot, hot, hot! Especially if your definition of “hot” isn’t about what you look like at all, but is about feeling good and healthy inside and out — because that’s what the 10 in 4 Challenge is all about. It’s our weight-loss with self love…

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Source: FitbottomGirls

Friday, June 8, 2018

Sprint Set Swim Workout

Swimming is a sport that brings out a lot of feelings among athletes. I find that a lot of people who swam as a kid found themselves burned out — and so, even now, if I ask them to join me for a swim workout, they make a face: via GIPHY And then, we have the folks who never really learned proper form or a variety of strokes, and invariably their response is more like: via GIPHY Look, I get it — I actually find swimming a bunch of easy laps to be pretty peaceful, but, you know, I … like…

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Source: FitbottomGirls

Thursday, June 7, 2018

The Power of Saying ‘I Am’ to Build Confidence

While the words “I am” have long been used for empowerment and manifestation, it wasn’t until I heard Oprah Winfrey talking about it in her Lifeclass that I took notice. When she said that whatever follows the words “I am” will come looking for you, it gave new meaning to this notion that we can shape the reality of our own lives. It goes like this: Whatever you say after “I am” becomes a declaration of your truth, a statement of who you are. If you use words like “I am exhausted,” or “I am broke,” you are putting that…

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Source: FitbottomGirls

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

This Cooking Web Series Is Adorably Addictive

Do you guys remember when Kristen shared this Tiny House Cooking recipe? via GIPHY Well, every time we’d talk about it or mention it in our editorial meetings, I’d always think of the web series Tiny Kitchen and be, like, OMG, Kristen, you love that, too? via GIPHY And, every time, she’d be, like, Jenn, no — this is for people who live in small spaces, like apartments with little kitchens. Not, like, a dollhouse. via GIPHY Then I’d remember that they’re different. And … start gushing all about Tiny Kitchen and how adorable it was and how much it just…

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Source: FitbottomGirls

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Podcast Ep 85: Nutrition Expert Whitney E. RD (Part 2)

Whitney English Tabaie is a registered dietitian nutritionist, certified personal trainer, founder of Whitney E. RD … and we had so much fun talking to in our first interview (catch it here in case you missed it) that we decided to have her back on! We delve into a whole slew of subjects for our second information-packed chat with the former E! News reporter who traded in the red carpet for scientific studies — and never looked back. Whitney talks about what it takes to become a registered dietitian (RD), and explains exactly what they can (and cannot) say about treating…

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Source: FitbottomGirls

6 Places to Visit With Your Kids This Summer

Summer is fun. Summer liberates my schedule from all the errands, homework, and worries that the school year brings. Oh, wait. I’m a mom … not a teenager counting down the days until I can sleep in until noon. I’m not my 5-year-old making plans for all the places we will visit during summer vacation. Cancel the liberation. Summer vacation as a mother with a school-aged child takes on a new meaning. Now that I’ve experienced a year with my son in school, I’ve indulged in more availability during my day to do things that normally would take more time…

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Source: FitbottomGirls

Monday, June 4, 2018

The Best Dumbbell Exercises for Your Back

I love fitness gadgets and I’ve amassed my fair share of them, but over the past few months I’ve tested all the exercises to come up with the best moves you can do for every part of your body using only dumbbells. Be sure to read through them all here and give me your thoughts. As we’ve seen over the previous dumbbell exercises posts, sometimes simplicity is better. Whether that’s because you’re traveling and the hotel gym is not what you’re accustomed to, or because you wanna work on your bench press but you don’t have a spotter, dumbbells really can be an…

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Source: FitbottomGirls

Friday, June 1, 2018

The Soundtrack for Your (Awesome) June Workouts

It’s June. It’s hot. And your workouts are about to get pumped UP with these eight new tracks. Consider this new playlist the soundtrack to your best workouts of the month! Nice For What, Drake If you don’t mind some f-bombs, this is nice for a workout. (See what we did there?) All the Stars, Kendrick Lamar & SZA This one is a bit slower, so it’s best for a warm-up, recovery jog/ walk or a cool down, but we cannot stop jamming to it. Americans, Janelle Monae You know what. Just go ahead and put the whole damn “Dirty…

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Source: FitbottomGirls