Tuesday, October 31, 2017

12 Tips For Couples To Have The Hottest Make out.

Are you looking to take your make out session to a whole new level? If you want to spice up the heat in your relationship and want to experience the hottest lovemaking session, you must look out for new make out techniques that will make your partner love you even more. Here in this article, we have listed some tips to have the hottest make out that you must check out.

Also read: 15 Most Adorable Make Out Experience That Every Couple Should Try

Here are the 12 tips to have the hottest make out. Let’s take a look!

1. Make good use of your hands

A lot of people forget to use their hand while making out. There are plenty of things you can do with your hands. You can place your hands on her breast, grab her butt, gently run it over her entire body. Just notice her response and use your hands accordingly.

tips to have hottest make out

2. Don’t rush

When you are getting ready for to start your make out, don’t rush. Do things gently and while you are undressing her, be gentle and don’t act like you have to catch a train. Start by kissing each other slowly and passionately and then move to next position.

tips to have hottest make out

3. Tease her

Teasing is always a turn and can be extremely satisfying when properly done. While you are doing your business, stop for a while, look into her eyes. This will make her want to kiss you even more badly and when you dive back in, it will be more intense.

tips to have hottest make out

4. Make it long

If you really enjoy this moment, why not making it long so you can enjoy more. Add some communication into the make out to keep both parties present and engaged.

tips to have hottest make out

5. Use of tongue

Don’t limit yourself when it comes to kissing. Use your tongue to explore her entire body and while you are running your tongue over her body, use your hands too.

tips to have hottest make out

6. Try something new every time

A great make out session is not only about how much you enjoyed and for how long, but it’s also about experiencing something new. Try adding a couple of new tips and tricks to add extra fun.

tips to have hottest make out

7. Take a breather

We all need air to catch our breath for a moment or two, and sometimes the breaks while kissing are the most meaningful part of the make out. Take a very short breather and don’t forget to smile and make eye contact. Whisper something loving, sexy or even something absolutely dirty in your partner’s ear and get back to kissing again.

tips to have hottest make out

8. Change your location

Aren’t you bored of doing it every time in bed? Many women have fantasy to make out in weird locations. Explore some new places at home. Try bathroom, kitchen, living room or on stairs. It will definitely turn your regular make out session into the hottest one.

tips to have hottest make out

9. Don’t miss the neck

The neck is one of the most sensitive parts of a woman’s body and most of us forget to explore the beauty of neck. Once you’ve had enough of your partner’s lips, slowly kiss down their cheek, chin, and neck. Kiss it slowly and sensually.

tips to have hottest make out

10. Try biting her lip

Don’t eat her lip like an animal, just a little nibble on their lower lip is all it takes. Many people consider biting lip as the sexiest thing ever.

tips to have hottest make out

11. Roleplay

If you wanna make it more exciting, try adding roleplay. Ask her what she likes or does she want to recreate movie scenes together.

tips to have hottest make out

12. Show how badly you want her 

Well, this one is gonna work in auto pilot mode. Do things that will make her crazy and beg for more. Your actions should be in such a way that will make her believe how badly you want her.

tips to have hottest make out

What do you think of these tips? Do try these tips with your partner and I’m sure she is gonna experience the hottest make out ever.

Also read: Hottest Weather Girls Who Just Love To Show Off Their Bodies


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Source: Sarcasm.co
Link : 12 Tips For Couples To Have The Hottest Make out.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Movie Couples Who Had A Steamy Chemistry On-Screen But Hated Each Other In Real Life

The on-screen steamy chemistry that we see, isn’t necessarily the real thing. Movie stars fool the audience into believing something that’s not true and something that they are not. There are movie couples who make budding romance feel authentic and real. The case, however, is quite different from what it looks like. Some of the most steamy chemistry and famous movie partnerships have been between movie couples who quarreled their way through the shoot. From requesting their co-stars to be moved from the set, to shouting on their on-screen matches, it has all happened. When the camera stops rolling, these 12 couples couldn’t stop arguing.

1. Sharon Stone and William Baldwin

Movie couples who hated each other steamy chemistry

Sharon and Baldwin hated so much, that they couldn’t even stand in the same room during the shoot of Silver. This hatred was so extreme, that Stone bit Baldwin’s tongue during a kissing scene.

2. Kate Beckinsale and Luke Wilson

Movie couples who hated each other steamy chemistry

During the shoot of Vacancy, Luke Wilson angered his co-actress Kate Beckinsale when he constantly showed up late. Luke was also rude to her throughout the production.

3. Marlon Brando and Sophia Loren

Movie couples who hated each other steamy chemistry

Marlon Brando and Sophia Loren played the role of lovers in In A Countess From Hong Kong. However, there off screen chemistry was way too much cold. Brando was late to the set and this pissed Loren off so much that she snapped him when he went to talk to her.

4. Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams

Movie couples who hated each other steamy chemistry

As hot was their on-screen steamy chemistry in The Notebook, their off screen equation just didn’t match. In fact, Ryan wanted her kicked off the sets. The director however, took the initiative to sort their grievances. They still hated each other, but at least agreed to work together.

5. Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey

Movie couples who hated each other steamy chemistry

This movie couple had a commendable on-screen chemistry in the Dirty Dancing. However, Patrick was quite pissed off with Grey’s on set behavior and her requests of more retakes.

6. Jay Mohr and Jennifer Aniston

Movie couples who hated each other steamy chemistry

Jennifer Aniston was surprised when Jay Mohr was casted for the male lead in the movie Picture Perfect. She wanted her boyfriend to play that role and her frustration showed up in the form of verbal outbursts during the shoot. Mohr said it was the worst experience he ever had.

7. Tony Curtis and Marilyn Monroe

Movie couples who hated each other steamy chemistry

On the sets of Some Like It Hot, the on-screen movie couples Tony Curtis and Marilyn Monroe played love interests. However, in real, nothing was really good between the two. When asked about how it was like to kiss Marilyn, Tony said “It was like kissing Hitler.”

8. Julia Roberts and Nick Nolte

Movie couples who hated each other steamy chemistry

This on-screen couple hated each other so much, that they had their body doubles shoot the scenes where they have to be together. Further, they filmed their scenes individually. Julia later called Nick disgusting.

9. Anthony Hopkins and Shirley MacLaine

Movie couples who hated each other steamy chemistry

Anthony Hopkins and Shirley MacLaine were the co-stars in A Change Of Seasons. Both them hated each other. Anthony called Shirley as abominable, whereas Shirley didn’t seem to like him either.

10. Kenny Baker and Anthony Daniels

Movie couples who hated each other steamy chemistry

They played the most lovable characters R2-D2 and C-3PO in Star Wars. However, they shared a bitter on and off screen relationship where they called each other as infuriating.

11. Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes

Movie couples who hated each other steamy chemistry

Even after playing the legendary couple Romeo and Juliet in Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo and Juliet, the co-actors hated each other. While Leonardo thought Danes as being edgy, Claire claimed Leonardo to be immature.

12. Dustin Hoffman and Meryl Streep

Movie couples who hated each other steamy chemistry


In the movie Kramer Versus Kramer, the two actors struggled to get along. Streep’s changes to script irritated Hoffman very much. However, the actors didn’t let this hatred in way of their performance, and the reason why this film had a taste of Oscar glory.


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Source: Sarcasm.co
Link : Movie Couples Who Had A Steamy Chemistry On-Screen But Hated Each Other In Real Life

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Guy Brilliantly Photoshops Himself Into His Childhood Self And It’s Awesome!

Admit it, we have all wanted to time travel into our childhood and meet our young self. But that is not possible, is it? Going back in time and telling your little childhood self that it is okay. But most importantly to enjoy the SLEEP and mistakes made, because when you grow up nothing stays the same. But there is one guy who actually hangs out with his childhood self! Photographer Conor Nickerson is on a project where he brilliantly photoshops himself into his childhood pics and the result is way too realistic! C’mon people you don’t use photoshop just to troll others xD

Meet the guy who brilliantly photoshops himself into his childhood self and the result is way too awesome!

read also: 16 Most Hilarious Photoshop Fails Ever! Ignore Them If You Can.

“While looking through some old family photos, I wondered what it would it look like if tried to photoshop myself today into them,” Conor writes. “I gathered all the old hats and t-shirts that I could find and did my best to put myself into childhood moments which, aside from these photos, remain only a distant memory.”

Conor says, that the biggest challenge for him was to match the picture qualities of the new photos to that of the old ones. He used various techniques like blurring, sharpening and noise editing to make them look like old photos. And his talent and patience really paid off well in the end!


1. Coolest photoshop ever!

guy brilliantly photoshops himself into his childhood self

2. Ah! How we wished we could give music. 

guy brilliantly photoshops himself into his childhood self

3. Happiness is candids.

guy brilliantly photoshops himself into his childhood self

4. Always looked good in a suit.

guy brilliantly photoshops himself into his childhood self

5. Birthdays!

guy brilliantly photoshops himself into his childhood self

6. A train journey together. 

read also: People Have Shared Pictures Of Themselves While Swiping Profiles On Tinder And It’s Hilarious.

guy brilliantly photoshops himself into his childhood self

7. Those first hikes. 

guy brilliantly photoshops himself into his childhood self

8. Christmas time!

guy brilliantly photoshops himself into his childhood self

9. It’s time we all met ourselves. 

guy brilliantly photoshops himself into his childhood self

10. Sunny day photo shoot for the both of us!

guy brilliantly photoshops himself into his childhood self

11. A trip down memory lane!

guy brilliantly photoshops himself into his childhood self

Conor used his childhood photos from 1997-2005 and the results look absolutely real!

Conor says, “Editing the pictures and looking at them so closely for so long takes a bit away from the shock value, but seeing the final images all together definitely is a bit strange! I feel like me and little me would have gotten along pretty alright.”

Indeed nostalgia is really a confusing emotion, we are happy that we got to live these moments not knowing what the future might hold ahead. But yet, we are homesick for the feeling of being a child again, where being hurt only meant falling down, where our worst enemy was nap time. I wish we could all go back!


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Source: Sarcasm.co
Link : Guy Brilliantly Photoshops Himself Into His Childhood Self And It’s Awesome!

Saturday, October 28, 2017

21 Teachers Reveal Why They Actually Hate Teaching!

No matter how much you make up your mind, the truth remains the truth. And one universal truth that’ll not change is nobody likes teaching. Honestly, I’ve never liked the idea of teaching, it can be really tiring. And sometimes it can really on your nerves. But some teachers actually stick up and can say this out loud, and reveal why they actually hate teaching!

Here are 21 teachers who reveal why they actually hate teaching!

1. Finally, somebody said something about the pay. 

teachers reveal why they hate teaching

2. Yep, true that. They know about the latest trends but not about the eatable water!

teachers reveal why they hate teaching

3. Staff room politics is one of the worst things one has to deal with!teachers reveal why they hate teaching

4. In the beginning, every thing’s really cool. But then comes the harsh reality. 

teachers reveal why they hate teaching

5. Well, little kids are really a pain in the butt. But I think the older ones are quite the charm. 

teachers reveal why they hate teaching

6. OMG! That is really a constant. I mean if you are so capable yourself why don’t you become a teacher instead?!

teachers reveal why they hate teaching

7. This is not even the worse of it. 

teachers reveal why they hate teaching

8. Yep yep yep. That is really annoying why everybody is just staring at giggling at you for God knows what reason!

teachers reveal why they hate teaching

9. My third grade student owns an iphone 8 and a Mac book pro! -_-

teachers reveal why they hate teaching

10. Life likes you kick you when you’re down. Sucks to be a teacher. 

teachers reveal why they hate teaching

11. I really want to know, how do some teachers have so much of patience?

teachers reveal why they hate teaching

12. When I was a kid I used to love to play teaching kids and grade their work. But now, I hate the thought of it!

teachers reveal why they hate teaching

13. Sometimes it’s the workplace that makes you hate work. 

teachers reveal why they hate teaching

14. I only wish that you don’t have to go through this again!

teachers reveal why they hate teaching

read also: Teachers Confess Their Awkward Interactions They Had With Their Students Outside Classroom

15. Passion for learning and passion for teaching are two different things. 

teachers reveal why they hate teaching

16. I really don’t get this concept!

teachers reveal why they hate teaching

17. Um, why did you take it up in the first place?

teachers reveal why they hate teaching

18. Well, is it too late to quit now? I hope not!

teachers reveal why they hate teaching

19. Do what makes you happy not what makes you sad!

teachers reveal why they hate teaching

20. We all have made our share of mistakes. 

teachers reveal why they hate teaching

21. Tell me about it!

teachers reveal why they hate teaching

read also: Meet The Coolest And Awesome Teachers Who Totally Deserve A Noble Prize.


So people, no matter how much you think that a teacher’s job is easy, it’s not. Going through at least 100 phases of tantrums from the kids it’s really difficult to keep your calm. So teachers, hats off to you!

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Source: Sarcasm.co
Link : 21 Teachers Reveal Why They Actually Hate Teaching!