Friday, August 25, 2017

Weird And Unique Capabilities Of Female Body That You Probably Didn’t Know Before.

Yes, you heard it right. A female body is capable of doing a lot of weird and unique things that only they know. If you think men are from a different planet, then women are from a different galaxy. We already know that a female body is totally different than a male body but they may not have same capabilities. A female body can do more weird and unique things that you probably had no idea before. Keep reading to know more about how different women are from men.

Read similar story: 12 Female Manners Which Drive All Men Crazy

12 Weird and unique capabilities of a female body that we all should know. Let’s take a look!

1. Women are more flexible

The muscles and ligaments in a female body have more elastic than collagen, which makes women naturally more flexible.

weird and unique capabilities of female body

2. Women live longer

Their immune system better copes with both internal and external threats and its cells age more slowly, and this is one of the reasons they live longer than men. And the second reason is perfectly shown in the picture below.

weird and unique capabilities of female body

3. The smell of male sweat makes them happier. What?

Yes, it’s true because pheromones in male sweat positively influence female body processes. Their menstrual cycle gets stables and anxiety dissipates.

weird and unique capabilities of female body

4. Great memory

If you are wondering why your girlfriend keeps bringing things from the past, it’s because brain in a female body has been shown to have greater recall and memory than men’s. Their brains use different areas of both hemispheres to effectively store information.

weird and unique capabilities of female body

5. They go crazy for people who smell good

A man who smells good is definitely attractive for women. Something about their hormones kicking in, and the senses going crazy over it. This sounds weird and unique, isn’t it?

weird and unique capabilities of female body

6. 0rgasm and age

Women over 40 are quicker at achieving 0rgasm than women under 40.

weird and unique capabilities of female body

7. What is the use of clitoris?

The only purpose of the clitoris is to bring pleasure. It has no other functional value for the female body.

weird and unique capabilities of female body

8. The listening skill

The study has proved that unlike men, who only listen from the left side of their brain, women listen from both the sides of their brain. Well, this explains everything.

weird and unique capabilities of female body

9. The birth capacity

A woman body is able to give birth to over 40 children.

weird and unique capabilities of female body

10. Their finger prints are 99% different from male ones

Scientists can just look at a fingerprint to find out the sex of a person.

weird and unique capabilities of female body

11. Breastfeeding can give them super powers

While breastfeeding, hormones start producing at an unusual rate, which affects the brain and body. It makes them feel less anxious, find more pleasure in ordinary things, and make them capable of almost reading others’ minds.

weird and unique capabilities of female body

12. The brain reconstructs itself

This is because the brain that’s responsible for emotions, memory goes through constant changes in the level of estrogen. And this is why the behavior and personality of women may differ during her period.

weird and unique capabilities of female body

Ladies, do you know any unique and weird capabilities in you that we have missed here? If we have, do let us know in the comment down below.

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Link : Weird And Unique Capabilities Of Female Body That You Probably Didn’t Know Before.

Deadly Terms Used By Women In A Relationship That Men Don’t Understand

Women are probably the most complicated thing ever created by the almighty. It’s almost impossible to decipher what exactly she wants or says or thinks. And every man on this earth will totally be able to relate to this article. This is a fact that she says something or uses terms while in a relationship that means something totally different. Well, as I said, it’s almost impossible to understand women but over years and years of being together, we have finally been able to make a list of certain terms which she might say in a relationship but mean something else.

Read More:12 Women Share What They Found When They Snooped On Their Partners

So we’ve noted down some terms that women use while in a relationship that men would never understand!

1.It’s okay

When a woman says it’s okay, trust me it is not. And there are chances that you, my man, are in trouble. So never leave the matter thinking, “Oh! She said it’s okay so everything is good.” I repeat, never.

Deadly Terms Used By Women In A Relationship That Men Don't Understand



I guess every guy will be able to relate to this. Ever been in an argument with a woman when out of nowhere you say something which you shouldn’t have and the reply you get is wow? Well, yes, if she says wow during a fight, take note, guys, you are never going to win.

Deadly Terms Used By Women In A Relationship That Men Don't Understand


3.Forget it

The deadliest one probably. When a woman says, “forget it.” Don’t you dare! Forget it is a code word for, “There is no point in discussing it with you because you won’t get it but I do want you to get it so keep asking.”

Deadly Terms Used By Women In A Relationship That Men Don't Understand


4.Repeat it again/ I didn’t hear you

Well, a woman is way more dangerous than any detective. Yes, you read that right. So, think before saying anything as you might end up saying something which can have different meanings. Meanings which are enough to destroy your life. Just run when she says, “I didn’t hear you. Repeat it, will you?”

Deadly Terms Used By Women In A Relationship That Men Don't Understand


5.Where were you?

As said earlier, she is way more dangerous than a detective. So, there is maximum chance that she already knows what his man is up to or where he has been. Hence, when asked, where were you. Remember, she is cross verifying you, not questioning.

Deadly Terms Used By Women In A Relationship That Men Don't Understand


6.Go ahead

Just don’t. Stop right where you are. Maybe, hide. When your woman asks you to go ahead, she means something way different than what you think.

Deadly Terms Used By Women In A Relationship That Men Don't Understand


7.I’m fine

The thing about every human is that they don’t always let you know that there is something wrong. So, the next time when she says, “I’m fine,” understand, she is not. And wants you to pamper her.

Deadly Terms Used By Women In A Relationship That Men Don't Understand


8.Should I do this?

Guys, she must have asked you this question at one time or the other, right? Never say no. The truth is, she might have already made up her mind and will do as per her will.

Deadly Terms Used By Women In A Relationship That Men Don't Understand


9.Baby, I love you

This is one of the terms used by women in a relationship when they want something. You got my point, right? So, when she gets all romantic or anything as such, stay ready as she might ask something from you which otherwise you would have denied.

Deadly Terms Used By Women In A Relationship That Men Don't Understand


10.Thank you

A woman, man, and sarcasm, a love story which dates way back then we can think. If she says thank you, notice her tone. There are maximum chances that her thank you mean totally different than what you are thinking of.

Deadly Terms Used By Women In A Relationship That Men Don't Understand


11.Leave me alone

No, don’t. If she says so, she must be going through something terrible. So, stay by her side. Let her know that despite every fight or anything, you’ll stay with her.

Deadly Terms Used By Women In A Relationship That Men Don't Understand



If you are dumb enough not to get the meaning of whatever, you should probably take some special classes. To be frank and precise, whatever literally means, “I don’t want to talk further. Fuck off!”

Deadly Terms Used By Women In A Relationship That Men Don't Understand


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Link : Deadly Terms Used By Women In A Relationship That Men Don’t Understand

Thursday, August 24, 2017

These Awesome Sexting Rules Can Be A Life Saver!

Sexting is when you exchange sexual text messages or sometimes even photos with another person. Sexting is something a lot of people do these days. If you are new to this, you better learn some skills before it goes horribly wrong.Because when it goes wrong, it can be a big turn off, sometimes embarrassing also. Sexting rules can turn out to be your life saver when in long distance relationships, they keep it going and pretty much keep the relationship alive.

Sexting rules
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Here are some life saver sexting rules to make your sexting experiences optimal.

Test before you sext; be 100% sure that the person you are sexting, would reciprocate with the same level enthusiasm. You would want to know whether the person is interested and is comfortable with engaging in sexual activity. You don’t want to make a fool out of yourself.

Sexting rules
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Start with a little bit of light flirting, keep it casual. If the person reacts in a flirtatious way, you can intensify your flirting and start sexting gradually. Flirting should be your base for sexting. Remember, after getting the green signal, do not sext immediately. Keep your flirting strong while you start slipping in your sexts slowly.

Sexting rules
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One thing that can ruin your sexting is that badass “autocorrect”. Try to contain your excitement, read your sext before you hit enter. You don’t want your, “I want to f*ck you” to come out as, “I want to duck you”. It is very important to read your sext first rather than regret later. Follow the rules because they are you life saver.

Sexting rules
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Just like autocorrect, grammar is very important. You should know the difference between ‘your’ and ‘you’re’, ‘then’ and ‘than’. If the person turns out to be a grammar nazi, it’s going to be even more worse. Because whatever the person reads is what they are going to hear in their head. Take you time in sending your sext. Always follow the life saver rules!

Sexting rules
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Now that you know how to sext, you would want to up your level. And that is sexting with photos! You may know how to send decent sexts, decent and sext don’t go together, but anyway, sending photos while sexting is where the danger zone actually begins. But there is nothing to freak out! You always learn.

Sexting rules
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Do not, never, ever, send out nude pictures unsolicited. No body wants to wake up in the morning and find out that a d*ck pic is waiting to greet them! That’s so messed up. If the person is not yet ready for sexting with photos, and you send them one, there are high chances of you getting blocked.

Sexting rules
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And when it’s the other way around, let’s say that you want the person with whom you’re sexting to send you nudes, don’t push it. Do not beg for pictures or use phrases like, “please, come one, just one picture”. You’ll come across as a desperate. Never lose your dignity. In some cases, when the other person is a girl, she’ll play with you. Girls like it when you beg for things, it makes them feel superior and you won’t be getting nudes anytime soon. So just relax a little bit. If they want to give it to you, they will eventually.

Sexting rules
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This one is really important, specially for women. Once you sent your nude into your sext, you have no control over it, it’s out of your hands now. There are very high chances it will be seen by somebody else also. So always follow the rule, “no faces”. Even if your partner is dead serious about you but has interfering friends, chances are that there might be more than one person satisfying himself while looking at your picture. And if your partner turns out to be an asshole, he may make an MMS with those nudes and upload them, make them viral. Anything could go wrong. It’s not worth the risk. And now you know what is your life saver!

Sexting Rules
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Try not using very common pick up lines. Make your own pick up line. Be more descriptive and creative. Do not let vocabulary be a limitation. Use a Thesaurus if you fall short for words. Follow sexting rules.

Sexting rules
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Ever heard of ‘Drunk dialled an Ex’! Obviously you have, and that’s cute sometimes but not when in comes to sexting. Getting a bit tipsy is fine, it adds intensity to your sext. But getting drunk to an extent where you can’t even pee straight and sexting is a big “NO”. Being uninhibited is a good thing, but not to the extent of embarrassment. So basically, alcohol and sexting is a bad idea!.

Sexting rules
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Always sext the person you are supposed to sext. Over excitement can be fatal! Before you even realize you made a blunder, you’ve already sent a picture of your d*ck to you mother! She’s already got a mini heart attack and at the same time is wondering that her son has indeed “grown up” or “grown big”! Even worse if you send nudes to a group and you’d want to kill yourself if it was a family group.

Sexting rules
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Patience is the key, if you did not get sexted today, you will some other day, just lay off and have faith. Talk dirty and never stop learning.

Also Read: 13 Reasons Why You Should Have Morning Sex Often

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Link : These Awesome Sexting Rules Can Be A Life Saver!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

15 Worst Pick Up Lines You’ve Ever Heard

Some men have that impeccable style of grabbing attention and turning all the heads around. Then there are those, who try their best to get noticed by using a cheesy weapon called pick up lines. It’s really hard to decipher what the person, who’s about to deliver these lines, is thinking. Maybe he wants her to laugh (which may reciprocate to love!), or maybe he’s really being sedulous. Whatever be the reason, but hearing a cockeyed line is always entertaining.

If the person you’re using your pick up lines on, appreciates humor (irrespective of it having any sense), then it may help you. Otherwise it won’t take much time for you to go from “unnoticed” to “no f*ucking chance”.

Anyways, these pick up lines are too bad to be too good!


1. “Your parents must be terrorists because they made a bomb.”

15 Worst Pick Up Lines You've Ever HeardVia

2. “Did you just fart? Because you blow me away!”

15 Worst Pick Up Lines You've Ever Heard


3. “Do you live in a corn field? ‘coz I am stalking you.”

15 Worst Pick Up Lines You've Ever Heard


4. “I heard you’re looking for a stud. I have STD and all I need is you.”

15 Worst Pick Up Lines You've Ever Heard


5. “You made my software turn hardware.”

15 Worst Pick Up Lines You've Ever Heard


6. “It’s so good that I have my library card ‘coz I am checking you out.”

15 Worst Pick Up Lines You've Ever Heard


7. “Are you a campfire? ‘coz you’re hot and I want some more.”

15 Worst Pick Up Lines You've Ever Heard


8. “Hey is your name WiFi? ‘coz I guess we have a connection.”

15 Worst Pick Up Lines You've Ever Heard


9. “Your breasts remind me of Mount Rushmore and my face should be among them.”

15 Worst Pick Up Lines You've Ever Heard


10. “Do you have a Band-Aid? ‘coz I have scraped my knees falling for you.”

15 Worst Pick Up Lines You've Ever Heard


11. “If you’d be a transformer, you’d be Optimus fine.”

15 Worst Pick Up Lines You've Ever Heard


12. “I assume you’re good at algebra. Will you replace my X without asking Y?”

15 Worst Pick Up Lines You've Ever Heard


13. “Have you checked the MENU? It’s Me-N-U.”

15 Worst Pick Up Lines You've Ever Heard


14. “The word of the day is legs. Let’s go to your house and spread the word.”

15 Worst Pick Up Lines You've Ever Heard


15. “I lost my virginity. Can I have yours?”

15 Worst Pick Up Lines You've Ever Heard


Also read: 17 Shady Pickup Lines That Got Brutally Burned By The Other!

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Link : 15 Worst Pick Up Lines You’ve Ever Heard